
The second wonder of the ancient world

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6 Things to know about Petra

Archaeologists have been discovered statues of the gods Aphrodite and Cupid in Jordan, and these ancient artifacts are undoubtedly important and valuable discoveries because they provide more evidence about the ancient city of Petra in Jordan, and these pieces were found by a mission from North Carolina State University and East Carolina University.

The ancient city of Petra was built by the Nabataean civilization, the Nabateans flourished in the first century BC and the first century AD, and the ancient city has a tourist importance to Jordan, and other artistic and historical importance.

Petra discovery

With the start of orientalist journeys to the Arab homeland in the nineteenth century, Petra was discovered in 1812 AD by the Swiss orientalist Johan Ludwig Burckhardt, who learned the Arabic language and studied Islam in Syria and came to Petra claiming that he was a Muslim from India after he disavowed an Islamic custom. By entering the Pink City, his 1828 printed book known as "Journeys in Syria and the Holy Land" contained pictures of Petra.

Its importance to the Jews

The city has religious and historical significance for the three Abrahamic religions, and the Jews believe that it contains the most important and most valuable secret in their history, which is the Ark of the Covenant, which contains the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses, in addition to the presence of Aaron's wand in it, and there is the shrine of Aaron in Petra and one of its peaks overlooking the ancient city At a height of 1353 meters above sea level, the shrine of the Prophet Harun. 

Petra play

Petra was presented through artistic work - the play of Petra - in Amman, Damascus, the Casino du Liban and in the Piccadilly between the years 1977 and 1978, composed by the Rahbani brothers, and the musical presenter was Ziad Rahbani, and the vocal performance was performed by the great artist, Fairouz. 

International movie shooting site

Petra has also been chosen as a filming location for a number of American and international films, such as the Indiana Jones films, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Passion in the Desert, and Transformers, and others. 

New Seven Wonders of the World

The Jordanian city of Petra was chosen among the "new" Seven Wonders list that was reached after a popular vote process that lasted for several months, and about 70 million people from the world participated in it.

Administrative independence

An authority with financial and administrative independence was also established in Petra in 2009, which is the Petra Tourism Development Region Authority, which aims to develop the region and develop it in tourism, economic, social and cultural fields, and contribute to the development of the local community.

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