
A visit to Jerash .. The city of a Thousand Pillars

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Telling the stories of thousands of years ago

The Jordanian city of “Jerash” is considered one of the best tourist cities in the Arab world, and it is known as the city of “A Thousand Columns”. It was called by this name in relation to the word "Jersha", which means a place dense with trees, the Greeks called it "Gerasa".

Jerash is located northwest of the capital Amman, 48 kilometers away from it, and its population is about 42,000. It is famous for its monuments, forests, orchards, topography and mild climate throughout the year. It is intended for tourists from different countries of the world, to inhale the fragrance of history, the bright civilization, and the human heritage of this ancient city.

Archaeologists confirmed that the city of Jerash was inhabited in prehistoric times, and that its builder was Alexander the Great, and nations and civilizations have succeeded in it, including the Greeks, the Romans and the Muslim Arabs, which made it diverse in culture and construction.

One of the most amazing historical sites in the world

Jerash consists of paved and colonnaded streets, elevated temples, amphitheaters, theaters, squares, palaces, baths, fountains, towers, and gates. It is famous for its various monuments that amaze the minds of all who saw it, the most famous of which is Hadrian’s Gate “The Arch of Triumph”, which was erected in 130 AD, in celebration of the visit of the Roman Emperor Hadrian to the city. It is a huge entrance consisting of three entrances, the largest of which is the middle entrance, which is 37 meters and 9 meters wide. The gate is located at the beginning of the southern side of the archaeological city. Large parts of the gate were destroyed in 268 AD; because of wars.

Among the tourist attractions and archaeological sites in Jerash is the “Al Nadwa Square”, which was used to hold concerts and major events. The square is surrounded by many columns in the form of more than a semicircular, and the columns rise in beautiful coordination, and are adorned with decorated crowns and beautiful creative inscriptions, and these columns were hidden underground until they were discovered in 1920 AD.

There is the "Column Street", which extends from the site of "Al Nadwa Square" towards the north of the ancient city, and its length is about 800 meters, and its land is paved with hard stones, and it is surrounded by tall columns adorned with inscriptions and crowns.

One and a quarter million olive trees

One of the most famous places that attract tourists in Jerash is “The Shrine of the Prophet Hood”, which is located on the top of a high mountain east of the ancient city of Jerash in the village of Al-Nabi Hood.

The road to it is narrow and winding, and the “maqam” consists of a room of 16 square meters, topped by a dome, and the floor is carpeted and mated.

The most important features of Jerash is that it is rich in olive trees, numbering about a million and a quarter of a million trees. It is also characterized by the presence of dense forests of oak trees, strawberries, valleys and water springs.

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