
Types of tourism in Jordan

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Jordan is considered one of the most important tourist attractions not only in the Middle East, but also in the world as well, due to the religious and historical importance that it enjoys due to its unique geographical location, which makes it a gateway to three continents, Africa, Asia and Europe, giving it unique features that rarely meet in one country. Hence, there are many types of tourism in Jordan to combine its land and sky, between stunning beaches, religious, historical and archaeological sites, as well as therapeutic sites.

Beach tourism: 

Jordan has wonderful beaches on both the Red Sea through the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea, and its beaches offer stunning views of the mountains and the surrounding terrain, as well as the treasures of those seas of marine creatures and coral colonies that offer a unique diving experience, in addition to related water sports.

Entertainment tourism:

Entertainment activities in Jordan vary between amusement parks, amusement parks and zoos, as well as cinemas and theaters, among others

Shopping tourism:

Jordan is distinguished by the diversity of its shopping places, between modern shopping centers and traditional markets, the exhibits for visitors range from high-end and luxury goods, as well as folk crafts and handicrafts.

Environmental and nature reserves tourism:  

It is one of the types of tourism in Jordan that has flourished recently, and despite the novelty of the concept of ecotourism, which was introduced to Jordan in the nineties, it soon became established as a major element in the national tourism plans, due to the fact that the Kingdom contains factors and ingredients in several regions that contribute to creating sustainable economic development.

Adventure tourism:

Adventure and thrill tourism has expanded significantly in the Kingdom of Jordan, and the diverse nature of the lands and terrain have helped in diversifying the forms of that tourism, which are kayaking, windsurfing, fishing, boat racing, mountain climbing and snorkeling.

Cultural and museums tourism:

It is considered one of the richest types of tourism in Jordan due to the important cultural center that this country represents. It offers its visitors a number of museums, theaters and high-end art galleries.

Historical and heritage tourism:

Jordan is a large open museum that contains many antiquities and historical and heritage sites that witnessed the succession of civilizations that Jordan and the entire Middle East passed through.

Religious tourism:

Religious tourism is one of the most important types of tourism in Jordan since ancient times, due to the distinguished location it enjoys between Mecca and Jerusalem, the holy city of the three monotheistic religions, Where many prophets whose history is associated with Jordan are mentioned.

Medical tourism:

It is considered one of the most important types of tourism in Jordan, as it recently occupied the first place in the Arab world and fifth globally in this sector, due to what the Jordanian territory contains from several sites that have therapeutic and healing properties from mineral water pools and hot waterfalls rich in minerals and volcanic mud.


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